Before too much more time passed, I wanted to thank you for the job you did on our promotional video, “Corona Presents… Eight Minutes,” and the thirty second advertisement that was distilled from the same footage. The resources you assembled into the project team were of outstanding quality, with the talent and dedication needed to get the job done on time and on budget. I was especially pleased with the company you used for camera work and editing, Armour Productions. The quality and creativity of the photography and final assembly were truly impressive. But more important than what I think, is the reaction of the community and those at whom the effort was focused. I knew we had a good product, but in any area where you are dealing with the public, there is never universal agreement on anything. For that reason, I expected some dissatisfaction to be expressed over the quality, or the approach, or the idea of taking on the project in the first place, or something. I was not prepared for the unanimous approval the video has garnered from all who have seen it. As you are the one ultimately responsible for the care with which it was crafted, the kudos for its success belong to you. Thank you. I would be more than happy to recommend your services to anyone who might be considering them.
George Guayante, Deputy Director