Case Studies & References
- Actegy approached TVA’s media buyers as they were looking to expand their already successful global brand
Revitive, into the US Market via TV. - Budgets were limited in the beginning as Actegy was looking to explore the US market with avery narrow scope.
- Actegy had found some success online, almost exclusively through Amazon, but they were unsure how that would translate into the larger, more mainstream TV market.
- TVA’s media buyers utilized competitive and demographic research to identify
networks and programming that over indexed for the clients A65+ target. - With the initial budget constraints, TVA’s buyers were very selective with the media
choices, ensuring that the test footprint was wide enough to cover enough properties,
and deep enough to get the needed frequency to allow for a fair read on results.
Case Studies & References
- Success was found out of the gate, although volatility was a factor as the weekly budgets allowed for bigger swings in performance across the first 13 weeks of the campaign.
- Budgets were increased 2x to 4x over the next 25 weeks and results remained positive, and stable, as the campaign grew.